Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for Success

Vision Board

This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen
I Chose this picture because I wanna travel the world and have nice things, and go to college and study about animals and help the animals in need. One thing about animals is that sometimes they don't have a home , I wanna be a Veterinarian because I wanna be able to help out the animals in need. My mood changes thats why I have a mad face and a happy face and a sad face. I like to helping others and I think about others in need. Im planning on living in New York , and planning on going to college at Cal State San Bernardino for 4 years.


  1. I like that you have horse riding on there it seems fun. I've noticed that you want to be a vet and I think that is a good career. I agree that cal state san bearding is a great college.

  2. Your collage is very nice and I like how it is green and you are blue because it makes everything pop. I noticed the link you have for being a veterinarian, which is something we have in common. It is the career we both want to have in the future. I agree with you and think that going to college is very important if you want to accomplish certain goals in life.
